Miss Jones Baking Co Recipe Blog

Girl Scout Cookie time! We were so inspired by these little cookies that we wanted to see if we could put our own spin on them using our organic baking mixes. We used our Organic Brownie Mix to create Coconut Caramel Brownie Cookies (aka Samoas). They're crispy, chewy, and super coconut-y, just like the original.
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Chocolate chip cookies that have half the sugar but twice the taste of normal chocolate chip cookies! Our SmartSugar - Coconut Sugar Blend powers these cookies to supernatural levels by using a proprietary blend of coconut sugar, chicory root fiber, tapioca, and monkfruit to take half the sugar out but leave all of the flavor in. 
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Not only is our "nice cream" dairy-free, vegan and a lot better for you than traditional ice cream, but it tastes absolutely dreamy and is so simple to make. Plus you know those brown bananas you hate to get rid of? Now you have a great, guilt-free way of using them!
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Even Queen Bey herself would go crazy in love over these Lemonade Donuts. With Memorial Day weekend coming up, lay claim to the dessert table at your BBQ with these sweet little guys for an easy summer win.
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